Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A hot mess in Nicaragua

I've finally arrived in Nicaragua!
It's been a whirlwind the past few days and I'm so sleep deprived that I'm a walking zombie and really haven't been able to absorb what's going on around me.
To make a long story short, I've been waking up way too early the past two days (4AM and 2AM) that it should come at no surprise that I slept throughout most of the flights. But, I also had the pleasantry of seating in the middle seat between two men that I didn't know on both flights; so there were some moments where I caught myself sleeping/leaning a little too close to my travel companions. On a positive note, I didn't drool on anyone that would've been embarrassing!
Let's see....arriving in Nicaragua is like walking into an oven. I'm already struggling to lug around 4 rather heavy bags, which is quite the workout, then I'm greeted with a hot and humid atmosphere as we wait outside the airport for a school bus to come pick us up. I was quite sweaty by the end of our journey, like hot yoga sweaty (gross, I know!). Driving through Managua from the airport to our training compound was not the most scenic route. As I was gazing out the school bus window, the scene reminded me a lot of Nairobi.
Right now, I'm staying in a training compound where I'll be overloaded with information and paperwork; but on the upside I've been able to cool down, and I'll have WiFi YAY! I'm rather tired and am trying to absorb as much as I can, but my neurons seem to be slowing down. I'll keep you posted with any new and exciting information, like my roommate just told me she found a large, luckily dead cockroach in our room; at least it wasn't a rat!

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