Monday, June 11, 2012

Nothing too exciting in my life, but a few updates.
I planted some watermelon in my gravel pit of a backyard and surprisingly I´ve got some luck! All of the seeds sprouted and they are about 6 inches tall-long, I´m hoping that nothing destroys them before I can enjoy the fruit. I have only 2 plants of chiltoma growing after some chickens came through and destroyed the rest of the sprouts. I planted some flower seeds to try and bring some color and beauty to my yard, but unfortunately they haven´t done so well....I tried.
My neighbor has two dogs that both have puppies, so they have 10 puppies in total. I´ve fallen in love with one and I keep talking to Normancito, my 3 year old neighbor who often comes wandering into my house barefoot and sometimes only in his underwear. I´ve been hinting that I want to keep the little puppy and he´s caught on to my not so subtle hints, so much so that he refers to the puppy as mine and sometimes carries it into my house and tells me to keep it (which I can´t because it is only a few weeks old). Hopefully all will work out and I´ll get to keep the fellow.
Funny little story: the other day I was showering, I was all covered in soap when suddenly no more water! I had to walk back to my house all covered in soap to retrieve my gallon of water to rinse with, I´m sure I was a sight to see.
Sorry I don´t have more to say....only 30 days until I´m home for a visit.

1 comment:

  1. Sweetheart, We are counting down the days!!!! Aaron wants you to know he has a tee ball game while you are home and Emma dances at Art Fair on the square too. Can`t wait to hug you!!!

    Love you, miss you! Tracy
