Monday, November 28, 2011

Can I fast forward to February already?

So it´s been a week in site and I´m already wishing that time would go by more quickly. There were some highlights to the week, which I´ll get to later, but most of my days consist of me sitting around as reported earlier. And what makes it even worse is when people ask me what I´m doing, NOTHING! Just today I had someone tell me that I´d better do something otherwise I´ll start gaining weight just sitting around all day, Thank you sir! Even if I wasn´t already concerned about gaining weight from the carb loaded diet I eat everyday, or from the fact that I know I´m a big waste of space at the present moment by not doing really anything productive I still would´ve been offended by the comment.
So in addition to my sitting around, I attended a wedding on Saturday night which was a nice experience. I only knew the one person who invited me and I of course felt out of place like every other day here. I really didn´t pack for the various special occasions that I´ve been invited to. I wore a dress which compared to the Nica women was very casual and I was also told I wasn´t wearing enough makeup. But, in my defense even in the States when I wear makeup I don´t even wear enough for Nica standards. The wedding was very pretty and everyone was very nice until they made me dance. URGH, my face turned to a classic shade of red as I was pushed onto the dance floor and it proceeded to get redder as more and more people gathered to watch the gringa dance. What felt like an eternity and an inferno on my face, the song finally ended and I snuck off to sit down at my table. After the wedding there was a birthday party which I attended for a short while. I came late and one bottle of rum had already been disposed of before I arrived, if that paints a picture of the state of the guests. It was an experience. I had a man tell me in drunken English that I look like Barbie and have a nice face, which he proceeded to repeat over and over along with his life story. It was a fun time and all of these events are helping me meet people in the community, which I´m thankful for and they are all very nice and welcoming; it´s just too bad they all work during the day while I sit in the park with nothing to do.
I also attended a 2 year old´s birthday party on Sunday. Kid´s birthday parties are always fun, but they always have the exact same procedure: soda, food, pinata, Eskimo (ice cream), cake - and the cake is your signal to leave, literally it´s handed to you on a napkin and you gather your belongings and enjoy the cake at home. I chose a seat a little too close to the pinata and there were some kids aggressively trying to break the pinata, a blindfolded child with a broom handle and wildly swinging pinata overhead = a bit terrifying.
This first week passed by relatively quickly, but I had 3 events to attend to and was able to celebrate Thanksgiving with PC Volunteers by feasting on coffee and Nicaraguan food. Hopefully many of my weeks will have highlights and events that make the days pass by because when I have my family telling me that I can come home at anytime it´s only too tempting when there´s nothing for me to do.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

La Linsi

Spanish to English translation: The Lindsey
That's right! For those of you that have heard/seen my high school graduation announcement and the typo that stated "Come celebrate the Lindsey" it's somehow followed me all the way to Nicaragua, Thank you Mom and Justin!
Lindsey seems to be quite a difficult name to pronounce for anyone outside the US, but I'm trying really hard to pronounce it with a Spanish accent so people will actually call me Lindsey and not Nancy. I don't know how Lindsey translates to Nancy, but oh well.
My new site is going.......well it's going. I don't have anything to do in my site because school is on "summer" vacation until February so I'm spending most of my days sitting in the park reading books and having gaggles (I know it applies to geese, but I like the word) of children surround me and quiz me on Spanish/English words. I've successfully finishing a book in record speed of 2 days, I may need to purchase a bigger library.
My rat problem may be better. I haven't seen any but I'm still awakened in the middle of the night by bumps in the night and unfortunately my puffy bags under my eyes are getting worse and worse by the day. Well I'd better go, I'm going to try and mail Steve's free trade agreement goods, I hope they make it.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I really wish I could be there to celebrate with you all! Please enjoy extra helpings for me because while I'm eating my rice and beans I'm going to imagine it's turkey and other Thanksgiving fixings. I'm imagining the scene from HOOK where they have any imaginary food the movie and you'll understand.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Swearing In

It's official! I'm officially a Peace Corps Volunteer now! This has been a crazy, crazy experience thus far. Our hands have been held this whole time and now it's sink or swim time, we're being let loose into the wild. Will I survive?? I sure hope so.
I have been overindulging in everything delicious this weekend. We've been lucky enough to spend the weekend in a hotel, but unfortunately my shower still reminded me that I'm in Nicaragua. The water was still cold and I had about 5 tiny streams of water to wash with. But, that's the only thing I'm going to complain about because we got to eat in a food court and wander aimlessly around a mall - I was confused as to where I was, I almost thought I was back in the States. Today was by far the best because we were able to enjoy a Thanksgiving dinner, which was fabulous!! I'm suffering from a food baby right now because I fully enjoyed all the Thanksgiving goodness, including the obligatory slice of pumpkin pie! I'm slightly regretting all the food that I ate, but at the same time it was so delicious and it wasn't gallo pinto so I couldn't stop myself. Now tomorrow will be a cold slap back to my Nicaraguan reality when I move to my site and return to my three times daily serving of gallo pinto. :( Hopefully this touch of home will tide my cravings for a bit until the next time that I can indulge in delicious gallo pinto free food again.
I could and should write a lot more about the ceremony, but I'm still suffering from my food coma and that's all I can actively think about right now. I will say that it was amazing and I'm very proud of myself and my fellow volunteers for the commitment and adventure that we're about to embark on. And we made it on the Nicaraguan news, I think that it will make it onto YouTube and I will definitely be posting that as soon as I can.

Friday, November 11, 2011


Eleven, eleven, eleven - make a wish!
I've got a lot of wishes I want to come true. I can't share them because then they won't come true but many of them have to do with people and things that I miss from home.
Training is coming to an end and my reactions are mixed. I want to scream AHHH! because I'm nervous about moving into the unknown all alone, but I also want to jump around and dance screaming WOO! HOO! because training can get a little tiring at times.
We will be staying in Managua next week for our last days of training and our swearing in ceremony, so I'll be posting all of my photos then when I have access to WIFI. Please don't get your hopes up about them because taking photos is something that I need to improve upon and I don't have lots of photos of me because I look like a hot mess (if any of you have seen the photos posted on Facebook you understand what I'm talking about).
I really don't have anything exciting to share. This week has been full of spanish classes and our youth group project presentations. Our original plan to make a casita from plastic bottles was an epic failure, so our final project ended up being a mural made from inorganic garbage. It turned out a lot better than I expected and I was really proud of our youth group's creativity, dedication and hard work. Maybe I'll be able to make a casita from plastic bottles in Muy Muy, maybe!
Well, I apologize for the lame post. I feel like I need to update you all every once and a while and I like taking advantage of Emily's family's WIFI, even though I really don't have anything exciting to share. I'm going to peace out because I'm about to drink some coffee and eat some cookies and then go for a run with Emily - sounds prefect, right!?

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Time is flying by

Training is almost over! I still can´t believe it´s already November and I´ve been in Nicaragua for 2 months already. I also can´t believe it´s November because the weather here is always the same, I don´t have the changing leaves or cooler temperatures to gauge my seasons anymore; instead I´ll be judging seasons by rainy versus dry...hmmm....
I have only 1 more week of Spanish class left and will be having my last language exam on Wednesday, I hope I´ve improved enough to clear the little hill from Intermediate low to intermediate mid. My Spanish has most definitely improved from day 1, but I still find myself bewildered and confused on certain days.
I can feel the stress mounting and it reached a peak the other day when I simply broke down in the middle of Spanish class and started crying. Why did I start crying? I don´t know....We were learning about different time phrases and I could feel the tears welling up. I cried for a little bit and laughed at myself for being a crazy mess, and luckily my training friends helped me by giving me chocolate and other candy. Also, the best part was receiving all the mail from my family and friends later that day. Thank you all so much! I was still stressed so I pretty much devoured the treats that were sent over the course of the week and laughed while reading the letters and cards. I felt a little pang of homesickness when looking at the school pictures of my cousins and after reading all the People and US Weekly magazines (Thank you Grandma!) and realizing how little information I hear about the world outside of Nicaragua. And obviously I´m talking about the important stuff like Beyonce is pregnant!?! Ashton and Demi are on the rocks?!? But really some important worldly information like Amanda Knox is now free from her Itailian prison and Steve Jobs died....Yes those of you in the states should know about all of this especially since this all occurred at least a month ago, but just in case you´re out of the loop like I am I´ll share the knowledge.
Nicaraguan News: The presidential elections are on Sunday and we´ll have to wait and see who the winner is. I´ll update you on the information.
Thank you for sending mail. I miss you and love you all!