Friday, November 18, 2011

Swearing In

It's official! I'm officially a Peace Corps Volunteer now! This has been a crazy, crazy experience thus far. Our hands have been held this whole time and now it's sink or swim time, we're being let loose into the wild. Will I survive?? I sure hope so.
I have been overindulging in everything delicious this weekend. We've been lucky enough to spend the weekend in a hotel, but unfortunately my shower still reminded me that I'm in Nicaragua. The water was still cold and I had about 5 tiny streams of water to wash with. But, that's the only thing I'm going to complain about because we got to eat in a food court and wander aimlessly around a mall - I was confused as to where I was, I almost thought I was back in the States. Today was by far the best because we were able to enjoy a Thanksgiving dinner, which was fabulous!! I'm suffering from a food baby right now because I fully enjoyed all the Thanksgiving goodness, including the obligatory slice of pumpkin pie! I'm slightly regretting all the food that I ate, but at the same time it was so delicious and it wasn't gallo pinto so I couldn't stop myself. Now tomorrow will be a cold slap back to my Nicaraguan reality when I move to my site and return to my three times daily serving of gallo pinto. :( Hopefully this touch of home will tide my cravings for a bit until the next time that I can indulge in delicious gallo pinto free food again.
I could and should write a lot more about the ceremony, but I'm still suffering from my food coma and that's all I can actively think about right now. I will say that it was amazing and I'm very proud of myself and my fellow volunteers for the commitment and adventure that we're about to embark on. And we made it on the Nicaraguan news, I think that it will make it onto YouTube and I will definitely be posting that as soon as I can.


  1. Wow, it really is official now! As much as I wish you were here planning a trip home from Minn for Thanksgiving, I am incredibly proud of you! You are a wonderful caring person. I know you will leave a positive mark on Nicaragua.I sure hope they know how lucky they are to have you! Let the adventure being!! Love Tracy

  2. You are amazing Lindsey! Congratulations! I look forward to tracking all your amazing adventures!! You go girl!!
