Eleven, eleven, eleven - make a wish!
I've got a lot of wishes I want to come true. I can't share them because then they won't come true but many of them have to do with people and things that I miss from home.
Training is coming to an end and my reactions are mixed. I want to scream AHHH! because I'm nervous about moving into the unknown all alone, but I also want to jump around and dance screaming WOO! HOO! because training can get a little tiring at times.
We will be staying in Managua next week for our last days of training and our swearing in ceremony, so I'll be posting all of my photos then when I have access to WIFI. Please don't get your hopes up about them because taking photos is something that I need to improve upon and I don't have lots of photos of me because I look like a hot mess (if any of you have seen the photos posted on Facebook you understand what I'm talking about).
I really don't have anything exciting to share. This week has been full of spanish classes and our youth group project presentations. Our original plan to make a casita from plastic bottles was an epic failure, so our final project ended up being a mural made from inorganic garbage. It turned out a lot better than I expected and I was really proud of our youth group's creativity, dedication and hard work. Maybe I'll be able to make a casita from plastic bottles in Muy Muy, maybe!
Well, I apologize for the lame post. I feel like I need to update you all every once and a while and I like taking advantage of Emily's family's WIFI, even though I really don't have anything exciting to share. I'm going to peace out because I'm about to drink some coffee and eat some cookies and then go for a run with Emily - sounds prefect, right!?
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